Bali's luscious rice fields – copyrighted

Bali fishing boats – copyrighted

Ulun Danu Temple, Bali – copyrighted

UNESCO protected rice fields of Jatiluwih – copyrighted

A Tropical State State of Mind

Bali, Indonesia

A Tropical State State of Mind

Bali, Indonesia

“Don't talk about heaven if you've never been to Bali.”
Toba Beta, author

Bali evokes thoughts of paradise, a mood of tropical heaven. As a destination on it’s own or in combination with the rest of Indonesia, Bali is the perfect spot for beach, surfing, diving and lush resorts. Don’t forget its equally heavenly neighbors, Lombok & the Gili Islands. Depending on your time and interests we can create an itinerary revolving revolving around one or several of the following: wellnessing, sand & sea, nature trekks, the underwater world and cultural activity.

Country / Region

Indonesia / Southeast Asia

holiday type

When to go

May - October

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